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Adelaine Nitta Myers
Adelaine Nitta Myers
I admire your spirit too much to let it be clouded by my darkness
Rebecca Keating
Rebecca Keating
labai norėčiau rpg. tad jeigu kas nors nori - ateikit į pm, apsitarsim!!! sypt08
Levis Mira Ackerman
Levis Mira Ackerman
Find me now. Before someone else does.
Find me now. Before someone else does.
Rebecca Keating
Rebecca Keating
galim eiti, jei nori sypt04 lauksiu pm'e, kad galėtume plačiau pasitart sypt132
Levis Mira Ackerman
Levis Mira Ackerman
Find me now. Before someone else does.
Find me now. Before someone else does.
Aš siųlau , kadangi jie nepažįstami.Netyčiua vienas kitą sutiks kur miške ar skersgatvy netikėtai. O toliau jau kaip dievas duos :))

Jei nesunku, parašyk pirma Susitikimai 1f495
You can waste your life drawing lines.Or you can live your life crossing them
You can waste your life drawing lines.
Or you can live your life crossing them
Būtų norinčių ?
Briana Svenson
Briana Svenson
You can waste your life drawing lines.Or you can live your life crossing them
You can waste your life drawing lines.
Or you can live your life crossing them
Žinoma, raštelk gal kur? Netikėtai ir šitas personažas ateis . bent jau jis manys , kad netikėtai :D
Briana Svenson
Briana Svenson
gerai, parašysiu po darbo kur nors :DD
You can waste your life drawing lines.Or you can live your life crossing them
You can waste your life drawing lines.
Or you can live your life crossing them
Okey :)
Lorraine Skylar Bryant
Lorraine Skylar Bryant
I am your worst nightmare, and your wildest dream
I am your worst nightmare, and your wildest dream
Būtų norinčių?  Susitikimai 1f351
Minho Lee Jang
Minho Lee Jang
There's some way that'll get through the night
There's some way that'll get through the night
Hello sypt09 jei mėgsti daugiau parašyti,tai galim ką sumąstyti per PM?  sypt018
Lorraine Skylar Bryant
Lorraine Skylar Bryant
I am your worst nightmare, and your wildest dream
I am your worst nightmare, and your wildest dream
Mėgt tai mėgstu, bet tik reikia įsivažiuot, nes ilgokai nerašiau.sypt1414  Ateinu į tavo pm sypt1421
Rika Akari Yoto
Rika Akari Yoto
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity
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Town of the rising sun™ :: No darkness comes to us, but we go to darkness :: We all live under the same sky-
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